High Pressure KNSO w/B-1 Static Test Stand Results
KNSO w/B-1
Burn time = 1.73 sec
Propellant wt. = 0.266 lb
Throat area = 0.01056 in2
Max. thrust = 40 lbs
Max. chamber Pressure = 2525 psi
Ave. thrust = 20.4 lbs = 90.8 N
Total Impulse = 157 N sec = 35.3 lb sec
Isp = 133
Motor Class = G91
KNSO w/B-1
Burn Time = 1.71 sec
0.0085 in2 Throat area
Propellant weight - 0.27 lb
Max. Chamber Pressure = 3035 psi
Ave Thrust = 21 lbs = 93 N sec
Total Impulse = 35.7 lb sec = 158.9 N sec
ISP = 132
Motor Class = G 93
KNSO w/B-1 No vacuum
Burn time = 1.67 sec
Propellant weight = 0.249 lb
Throat Area = 0.00853 in2
Max. Thrust = 43 lbs
Max. chamber pressure = 3360 psi
Ave. Thrust = 19.7 lbs = 87.7 N
Total Impulse = 146 N sec = 32.9 lb sec
Isp = 132
Motor Class = G90
All high pressure tests were of the "unintentional" variety. All are a good testamonial to the durability of Dr. Rocket Aluminum motor hardware. All tests are very similar. Little difference in performance between regular vs. vacuum degassed propellant.